Greene, Graham: The Third Man
Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das Dokument beschreibt eine Kriminalgeschichte, die in Wien spielt. Der Protagonist, Rollo Martins, ist ein Schriftsteller, der nach Wien kommt, nachdem ihm von einem Freund Harry Lime erzählt wurde. Lime ist angeblich bei einem Autounfall gestorben und Martins geht zu seiner Beerdigung, wo er einen englischen Polizisten namens Colonel Calloway trifft, der ihm sagt, dass Lime in verschiedene Schmuggelaktivitäten verwickelt war. Martins beginnt, Nachforschungen anzustellen und trifft auf verschiedene Personen, die ihm mehr über Lime und seine Verbrechen erzählen. Er verliebt sich in Limes Freundin Anna und versucht, ihr zu helfen, die Wahrheit über die Todesumstände von Lime herauszufinden. Schließlich findet er Lime, der jedoch entkommt und in das Abwassersystem flüchtet. Martins und Calloway finden Lime schließlich, aber in einem Kampf tötet Martins ihn. Am Ende verlieben sich Martins und Anna ineinander.
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Chapter 1 & 2: Rollo Martins, who is a writer of books, arrives in Vienna. Someone tells him that his friend Harry Lime has been the victim of a car accident and his funeral is on the Central funeral at this day. So he goes to the funeral by taxi and arrives just before it ends. There he meets a police officer called Colonel Calloway, who is English and he is also the storyteller. He invitees Rollo to a bar where he asks him some questions about Lime. The Colonel tells Martins that Harry was involved in various smuggling activities. Calloway s driver takes Rollo to the Hotel Sacher. Chapter 3: At Sachers he is wrongly identified as another writer named Dexter by a man called Crabbin. At Sachers place a room has been reserved for Dexter. Martin says he is Dexter and takes the room. This man tells him about Lime s girlfriend called Anna Schmidt who is an actress. Later at his hotel room he is phoned by a friend of Lime. Kurtz says that there is something strange about the death of Lime. They both manage to meet in a café on the next day. Chapter 4: In the café they talked about the situation of Lime s car accident. Kurtz says that Lime has died immediately and that there was an other friend of Lime called Cooler. Rollo asks him for the address of Cooler. Kurtz doesnt know anything about any criminal activities. Chapter 5: Rollo visits Anna and gets some more information about the accident. So he knows that the driver of the car was a friend of Lime. In her opinion he has ...
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