Henry Ford and his company

Referat, Hausaufgabe, Henry Ford and his company
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Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das Dokument handelt von der Biographie von Henry Ford und seiner Firma, der Ford Motor Company. Es beschreibt seinen Werdegang von der Arbeit auf einer Farm bis hin zur Gründung seines Unternehmens und der Einführung des Modells T, das zu einem Meilenstein in der Automobilgeschichte wurde. Besonders betont wird Fords Beitrag zur industriellen Massenproduktion und die Einführung der ersten automatischen Förderbandproduktion. Das Dokument endet mit dem Tod von Henry Ford. Es bleibt jedoch offen, ob es noch weitere Informationen über die Entwicklungen des Ford-Imperiums bis in die Gegenwart gibt, die jedoch als interessanter Zusatzpunkt erwähnt werden könnten.
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HENRY FORD AND HIS COMPANY Today we would like to give a speech about the life of Henry Ford and his company called Ford Motor Company . Henry Ford was born on the 30th July 1863 in Dearborn in the state Michigan (US). Ford left the family farm at the age of 16. He walked to Detroit and there he worked at the Detroit Dry Dock Company . After three years, in 1882, he left the work and decided to go back to the farm. In January 1885 he met Clara for the first time, but only at their second meeting she was also impressed in him. The couple were married on the 11th April 1888, this was Clara´s twenty-second birthday. Clara and Henry Ford´s only son was born in November 1893. 1891 Ford moved to Detroit again to start work at the Edison Illuminating Company. After about two years he became a chief engineer with an increased salary of 100 a month. In 1892 he constructed his first car. He fitted a motor on a frame with four bicycle wheels. After two unsuccessful attempts to establish a company to manufacture automobiles, the Ford Motor Company was built in 1903 with Henry Ford as vice-president and chief engineer. At first the company produced only a few cars a day at the Ford factory on Mack Avenue in Detroit. Groups of two or three men worked on each car from components made to order by other companies. In 1905 there were 50 start-up companies trying to get into the auto business. The backers at the new Ford Motor Company recommended that the best way to maximize profits was to ...
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