Burgess, Anthony: A Clockwork Orange
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Das Dokument beschreibt das Leben und die Karriere des Schriftstellers Anthony Burgess sowie die Handlung seines bekanntesten Romans „A Clockwork Orange“. Der Roman erzählt von einem gewalttätigen und grausamen Jugendlichen namens Alex, der in einer dystopischen Gesellschaft lebt. Er wird von seinen Freunden verraten und landet im Gefängnis, wo er an einem neuartigen „Rehabilitationsprogramm“ teilnimmt, das ihn zu einem „Mechanischen Orang“ macht. Das zentrale Thema des Romans ist die freie Wahl und das Recht auf Selbstbestimmung. Der Roman wurde international bekannt und 1971 von Stanley Kubrick verfilmt. Der Stil des Romans ist geprägt von einer eigens erfundenen Jugendsprache namens „nadsat“.
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A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess About the Author 1917 - John Anthony Burgess Wilson was born on the 25th of February in Manchester, England. After he had studied English Literature in the University of Manchester he joined the army in 1940. 1942 - Burgess marries Llewela Isherwood Jones, a Welsh student at Manchester University. Later that year, she is assaulted by American deserters, killing her unborn child. 1946 - 1954 -, Burgess teaches English Literature, phonetics, Spanish, music, and drama at several middle schools in England 1959 - Burgess is rushed to a neurological institute in London with a possible brain tumor and the doctors tell him that he only has one year to live. Burgess then decides to become a professional writer. The medical diagnosis turns out to be wrong, and Burgess stays with his new career, writing over 35 novels and other books over the course of his lifetime (Vision of Battlement 1965, The Wanting Seed 1962, Honey for the Bears 1963, Earthly Powers 1980, etc.) 1962 - He publishes his most popular novel A Clockwork Orange 1968 - On March 20th, Llewela Wilson died. In October, Burgess marries Liliana Macellari, a linguist at Cambridge University. The couple leaves England for good and takes up residence in Malta. 1969 - He teaches creative writing at both Princeton and Columbia. In the same year the performance of his first symphony occurs at the Summer Festival of the Tyrone Guthrie Theatre in Minneapolis. 1971 - Stanley Kubrick makes a film ...
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