Kleinbaum, N.H.: Dead Poets Society
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Das Dokument ist eine Zusammenfassung des Buches „Dead Poets Society“ von N.H.Kleinbaum. Es handelt von einer Gruppe junger Jungen und ihrem neuen Englischlehrer an einer privaten Schule in Vermont. Die Geschichte umfasst Themen wie Konflikte zwischen Eltern und Kindern, die Bedeutung von Poesie und Kunst im Leben, der Wunsch nach Freiheit und Selbstverwirklichung, sowie die Auswirkungen von Entscheidungen auf das Leben anderer. Die „Dead Poets Society“ ist eine geheime Gruppe, die sich der Lektüre von Gedichten und Poesie widmet. Der Lehrer inspiriert die Schüler, eine solche Gruppe zu gründen und sich der Kunst zu widmen. Nachdem der Schulleiter und die Eltern erfahren, dass die Gruppe existiert, kommt es zu Konflikten und tragischen Ereignissen. Der Lehrer wird aufgrund der Ereignisse aus der Schule verbannt, aber die Schüler verabschieden ihn mit einer bewegenden Geste der Wertschätzung.
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Refeat2 für Englisch: Dead Poets Society Dead Poets Society is a novel written by N.H.Kleinbaum. This book tells a story about young boys and their new English teacher at Welton Academy, a private school situated in the remote hills of Vermont. In the chapel of the school the headmaster Gale Nolan, a husky man in his early sixties, who was representing the system and the four banner carriers of Welton Academy, welcomed the students and their parents to the new school year. After Mr. Nolan´s speech the pupils went into their rooms. Neil´s father followed his son a little bit later and told him that he had decided that Neil was taking too many extracurricular activities and that he had spoken to Mr. Nolan about it who had agreed to let him work on the school annual the following year. Then Mr. Perry went out of the room immediately without having even recognised that his son was shouting after him trying to explain that he couldn`t do that because he was the assistant editor. The first day in school dawned bright and clear. After the bell had rung, the new english teacher Mr. J. Keating entered the room. He was wearing a shirt and a tie, but no jacket. He looked around in the classroom and suddenly jumped onto the desk. He shouted :O Captain, my Captain Mr. Keating hopped from the table and asked :Who knows from which poet these words are ? Nobody said a word. Mr. Keating explained to the pupils that they were from a poem written by Walt whitman talking about Abraham Lincoln. ...
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