Shakespeare, William: Macbeth
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Das Dokument beschreibt das Leben und Werk von William Shakespeare und insbesondere sein Stück „Macbeth“. Es wird darauf eingegangen, dass Shakespeare einer der bekanntesten Schriftsteller seiner Zeit war und dass seine Werke bis heute von vielen Menschen gelesen und geschätzt werden. Eine Zusammenfassung des Stücks „Macbeth“ wird gegeben, inklusive der wichtigsten Charaktere und der Handlung. Die eigene Meinung des Autors bezüglich des Stückes wird ebenfalls genannt und es werden einige nützliche Vokabeln vorgestellt. Einige Primär- und Sekundärliteratur-Quellen werden genannt. Das Dokument ist informativ und bietet einen guten Überblick über Shakespeares Leben und eines seiner berühmtesten Werke.
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Thomas Mitzka 5th March 2003 William Shakespeare: MACBETH THE AUTHOR William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon. At the age of 18 he married Anne Hathaway who bore him 3 children. Seven years later he came to London where he worked as actor, director, author and was leading member of the theatre-group, Lord Chamberlain s Men. Soon he started an own career and his plays where that successful and famous among the population that Shakespeare became very rich and lived with his family in Stratford until he died in 1616. His wide-ranging works contains over 35 plays - that can be divided into histories, comedies and tragedies - and many poems and sonnets. His works are read and appreciated by millions of people around the world; they are played in theatres and adapted for films. THE PLAY At the beginning, Macbeth, the thane of Glamis, has valiantly prevented a rebellion against the Scottish king Duncan. When Macbeth and his friend Banquo return from the battlefield, they have a strange encounter with three witches who foretell that Macbeth will become thane of Cawdor which is a higher rank in the hierarchy and finally king of Scotland. Macbeth neglects to believe in the prophecy until the appearance of messengers who were sent by the king to inform him that he was appointed thane of Cawdor because of his merits. When Macbeth talks to his wife about the mysterious prophecy, she wants him to kill Duncan because she desires to become queen. Duncan plans to stay a ...
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