Death of a salesman
Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das Dokument ist eine Zusammenfassung des Theaterstücks „Death of a Salesman“ (Tod eines Handlungsreisenden) von Arthur Miller. Die Charaktere des Stücks werden vorgestellt und ihre Beziehungen untereinander beschrieben. Die Handlung dreht sich um den Verkaufsreisenden Willy Loman, der über 60 Jahre alt ist und unter Depressionen leidet. Er kämpft darum, sein Leben lang gearbeitet und seinen Söhnen eine erfolgreiche Zukunft ermöglicht zu haben, aber diese sind unglücklich und unerfüllt. Die Beziehung zwischen Willy und seinem älteren Sohn Biff ist besonders angespannt, da Biff seinen Vater nicht mehr bewundert und nicht weiß, was er mit seinem Leben anfangen soll. Willy hat eine Affäre und verliert schließlich seinen Job, was ihn noch verbohrter und verzweifelter macht. Das Stück zeigt, wie die Beziehungen innerhalb der Familie zerfallen und wie Willy letztendlich in den Tod getrieben wird. Das Stück behandelt Themen wie den amerikanischen Traum, Erfolg und Scheitern, und gibt Einblicke in die menschliche Psyche.
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Death of a salesman Characters: William Loman: A salesman. William, called Willy, is past 60 years of age, quietly dressed and exhausted by his job. Willy travels every week. He is the New England man of the Wagner company. Personality always wins the day. Linda Loman: Linda is the wife of Willy. She more than loves him, she admires him. She would be content with a happy family. Life is a casting off. Why must everyone conquer the world? Biff: Son of the Lomans. He used to admire his father but lost confidence in him. Today he only fights with his Dad. Biff tramped around the last years taking a lot of jobs. This upset his father. He needs to find himself. Harold: Younger son of the Lomans. He is a bum. He seduces the engaged wifes of his bosses. He is always called Happy. Story: The story starts with Willy coming home a few days too early from a trip. Linda shows a lot of trepidation. Willy tells her that he was too tired and couldn t make it. He couldn t drive because he couldn t manage to keep his mind on driving. Linda wants to calm her confused husband down. Willy Loman worked all life long to accomplish something but his work is hardly appreciated. His wife is foundation and support for the disappointed man. William seems not only confused but senile near to insane. He forgets a lot and lives in his own world, consisting of a mixture of current events and memories. As a result he is very vunerable. Willy is maybe going to lose his license because he had an accident ...
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