Walt Disney
Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das Dokument beschreibt das Leben von Walt Disney, einem bekannten amerikanischen Unternehmer und Filmproduzenten. Es wird seine Herkunft aus Chicago, seine Kindheit in Marceline, Missouri, seine Arbeit als Künstler und seine ersten Erfolge mit animierten Cartoons in Kansas City beschrieben. Walt Disney gründete später sein eigenes Filmstudio in Los Angeles und wurde berühmt für die Schöpfung von Figuren wie Mickey Mouse und Snow White. Es wird auch kurz auf Disneys Tod am 15. Dezember 1966 eingegangen. Besonders wichtig sind die Jahreszahlen und Ereignisse in Disneys Leben.
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Walt Disney Walter Elias Disney was born in Chicago on 5 December 1901. His father Elias Disney was an Irish-Canadian and his mother was a German-American. His family moved to his Uncle s farm near Marceline, Missouri when he was nine. He and his brother Roy had to deliver newspapers on his father s route at 3:30 a.m. His brother went to World War I but Walt was underage. He changed his date of birth on the birth certificate and he was accepted by the Red Cross as an overseas ambulance driver. Disney returned to Kansas City after the war and was hired as an artist at an advertising agency. He started a cartoon film business with Ubbe Iwwerks. The two produced Laugh-O-Grams for local movie theaters, but went bankrupt. Disney decided to join his brother in Los Angeles in 1923. He began producing animated cartoons and his first successful creation was Mortimer Mouse. Walt Disney published then the very first synchronized sound cartoon Steamboat Willy . His wife Lillian, later suggested to change the name into Mickey Mouse and Disney agreed. In the early years of Mickey Mouse Walt Disney was afraid that he will be knows as the man who invented the mouse, not knowing that he will soon become one of the most important people in the entertaining business. His once little cartoon idea developed into one of the most popular figures of American culture. Disney s business could afford its own film studio. After a successful career and fulfilled life Walt Disney died on 15 December ...
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