Rowling, J, K. : Harry Potter and the Philosopher`s Stone

Referat, Hausaufgabe, Rowling, J, K. : Harry Potter and the Philosopher`s Stone
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Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das Dokument ist eine Buchbesprechung von „Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone“. Es werden sowohl Kritiken von bekannten Magazinen und Zeitungen zitiert als auch eine Zusammenfassung der Handlung des Buches gegeben.

Die Handlung beginnt mit der Einführung der Familie Dursley, bei der Harry Potter aufwächst, nachdem seine Eltern von Lord Voldemort getötet wurden. Harry wächst dort unter schrecklichen Bedingungen auf, bis er an seinem elften Geburtstag erfahren, dass er ein Zauberer ist und zu Hogwarts gehen wird, einer Schule für Hexen und Zauberer. Dort lernt er seinen Freund Ron kennen, aber auch Feinde wie Professor Snape und Malfoy.

Die Handlung wird ausführlich beschrieben, inklusive wichtiger Ereignisse wie der Einführung in die Welt der Magie, Harrys Entscheidung, sich Malfoy zum Duell zu stellen, und dem Kampf gegen einen gefährlichen Troll auf Halloween.

Die Buchbesprechung beinhaltet auch Zitate von Rezensionen, die die Autorin JK Rowling für ihren Einsatz von klassischen Erzähltechniken und ihre Fähigkeit, komplexe Handlungsstränge zu kreieren, loben.

Zusammenfassend behandelt das Dokument die Themen der Handlung, der Charaktere und der Kritiken des Buches „Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone“.
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Harry Potter and the Philosopher s StoneBook report by Katja Fünfschilling Introduction There are four books about Harry Potter. I think the fourth is the most well known one. Its title is Harry Potter and the Philosopher s Stone. When this book was published children were queuing in front of bookstores to buy it. But the other three books were also described using superlatives too. Here are some quotations from famous magazines and newspapers. The Scotsman Rowling uses classic narrative devices with flair and originality and delivers a complex and demanding pot in the form of a hugely entertaining thriller. She is a first-rate writer for children The Story of Harry Potter and the Philosopher s Stone The story started in the normal world in the house of a very basic family, the Dursleys. They lived in Privet Way 4 and were proud to be perfectly normal humans. Mr. Dursley was a huge, fat man and director of his own company. Mrs. Dursley was thin and blond. She was a housewife. Their son Dudley was very fat and looked like a pig. Mrs. Dursley had a sister, but hated her. Mrs Dursley didn t allow her family to even talk about her sister. This sister was called Lily Potter and she and her husband James had a small son, named Harry. One day when Mr. Dursley went to work, he noticed some very strange things. There was a cat, which read a road map and there were strangely dressed people with robes and plain pointed hats. Owls were flying around while the sun was shining. In his ...
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