The story of the Greatest: Muhammad Ali

Cassius Clay, Sonny Liston, Angelo Dundee, Nation of Islam, Malcom X, Black Muslims, Cassius Clay, phantom-punch, Floyd Petterson, Joe Frazier, Ken Norton, George Foreman, Kinshasa, Don King, Leon Spinks, Larry Holmes, Mobutu, Referat, Hausaufgabe, The story of the Greatest: Muhammad Ali
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Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das Dokument erzählt die Geschichte von Muhammad Ali, einem der größten Sportlegenden des 20. Jahrhunderts. Es beginnt mit seiner Geburt 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky, und beschreibt seine Kindheit in einem schwarzen Viertel der Stadt. Mit zwölf Jahren begann er mit dem Boxen und gewann mehrere Amateur-Titel, bevor er sich professionell dem Sport zuwandte. Das Dokument beschreibt mehrere wichtige Momente in Alis Karriere, wie seinen Erfolg bei den Olympischen Spielen in Rom, seinen Vertrag mit den Louisville Sponsoring Group und seinen Kampf gegen Sonny Liston im Jahr 1964. Besonders der Kampf gegen Liston wird ausführlich beschrieben, inklusive Alis berühmter Show vor dem Kampf und dem umstrittenen Vorfall der vierten Runde, in der Ali vorübergehend erblindete. Das Dokument endet mit Alis ersten Karriereschritten und seinen Vorbereitungen auf das Ziel seines Lebens, die Weltmeisterschaft im Schwergewicht zu gewinnen.
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The story of the Greatest: MUHAMMAD ALI On January 17, 1942 - at about six thirty p.m. - the biggest sporting legend of the twentieth century was born in Louisville, Kentucky. When Odessa Clay and her husband Cassius Marcellus looked proudly at their tiny son they didnt dare to dream that the baby they held in their arms would one day be the heavyweight champion and one of the most popular men of the world. At a closer look, one can date the first boxing activity of Cassius Marcellus junior to the same year. His mother used to tell people that his first K.o.-punch was aimed at her face when the six-month-old hit her so hard that she had to have two teeth pulled out. Cassius grew up in West End Louisville, a black area, together with his younger brother Rudolph who later changed his name into Rahaman. Their father painted religious and commercial plates while Odessa Clay worked as a cleaning woman and cook in white upper-class families. Although the Clays were not wealthy, young Cassius and Rudolph always had something to eat and to wear. Contrary to most of his later opponents, Ali had a carefree childhood. At the age of twelve, Cassius got into boxing rather by chance. His new bike had been stolen and so he met police officer Joe Martin who besides ran a boxing gym. The furious boy told Martin that he would whip the thief if he found him. Martin suggested to Cassius that he teach him first how to box. Cassius agreed and attended Martins gym regularly from then on. In his ...
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