Child Abuse

Referat, Hausaufgabe, Child Abuse
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In dem Dokument geht es um Kindesmissbrauch. Es werden die verschiedenen Arten von Missbrauch beschrieben, wie z.B. sexueller, physischer und emotionaler Missbrauch. Es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass Kindesmissbrauch weit verbreitet ist und oft von Personen begangen wird, die dem Kind nahe stehen. Die meisten Missbrauchsfälle werden von Männern begangen. Es werden Hinweise darüber gegeben, wie man erkennt, ob ein Kind missbraucht wird, und was man tun kann, wenn man einen Verdacht hat. Es wird auch darauf hingewiesen, wie man Kinder schützen kann, indem man mit ihnen über Missbrauch spricht und darauf achtet, wer alleine mit ihnen ist. Am Ende wird betont, dass es wichtig ist, das Bewusstsein für Kindesmissbrauch zu schärfen, um Kinder vor diesem grausamen Verbrechen zu schützen.
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Auszug aus Referat
CHILD ABUSE An overview of one of the most cruel crimes happening at the moment and affecting the most defenceless ones of our society. by Iris Weihrauch Index Child Abuse Generally 1.1. Sexual Abuse 1.2. Physical Abuse Emotional Abuse Who Are The Abusers? The Prevalence Of Sexual Abuse How To Recognise A child... 4.1. ...who is sexually abused? ...who is physically abused? ...who is emotionally abused? 5. What Can I Do if I Know That a Child is Abused? 6. How To Safe Children 1. Child Abuse Generally Child Abuse is a widespread though underreported phenomena and still a present issue. Every 4th girl is sexually or physically abused and so is one in six boys. So nobody of us can deny the presence of abuse and it s important for everyone of us, to be confronted with this theme at least once to act the right way if someone of us suspects a child being abused. But before presenting you the hard facts I d like to tell you something about the different forms abuse can take. 1.1. The best known form is sexual abuse: Child sexual abuse is any misuse of an infant or abuse of power and trust over it for sexual pleasure and gratification. It starts with touching and exposing them to pornographic material and progresses to acts like forced masturbation and rape. Sexual abuse is a crime which is usually committed in secret and may continue for many years. In addition to the pain those children go through they also feel guilty and ashamed, and often suffer in isolation. It is also the ...
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