Orwell, George: Animal Farm
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Das Dokument beschreibt das Buch „Animal Farm“ von George Orwell. Der Autor wird vorgestellt und seine Lebensgeschichte sowie Hintergründe zur Entstehung des Buches werden erläutert. Die Handlung des Buches wird auch erläutert, in der Tiere auf einer Farm eine Revolution gegen den brutalen Besitzer durchführen und eine eigene Gesellschaft aufbauen. Zwei Schweine, Napoleon und Snowball, übernehmen die Führung der Farm, aber es kommt zu Konflikten zwischen ihnen. Napoleon wird immer diktatorischer und ähnelt Stalin, während Snowball verbannt wird. Es gibt weitere Charaktere, die verschiedene Gruppierungen in der Gesellschaft repräsentieren, wie das Proletariat, die Kirche und die ältere Generation. Die Hunde werden als Symbol für die KGB beschrieben. Das Buch kritisiert tyrannische Herrschaft und zeigt, wie Revolutionen oft zu ähnlichen Ergebnissen wie zuvor führen können. Es wird deutlich, dass das Buch auch eine politische Allegorie für die sowjetische Gesellschaft darstellt.
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Animal Farm The Author of the book is George Orwell, whose real name is Eric Blair. He changed his old name into George because he sure about that George is a traditional English name and Orwell because that s the name of a small river near his primary school. George Orwell was born in 1903 and died 1950 because of a lung disease in London. In addition to that he grew up in poor family, father was a British civil servant. 1911George started education at private primary school. He had to pay less and was therefore badly treated by headmasters. May this has developed his attitude towards tyrannical systems. 1917 he came t Eton and got a full education there. After graduating in Eton he spent following 5 years in Burma as an officer in the Indian Imperial Police. From 1927-1933 he had a life of poverty and instability in London and Paris as well. George Orwell was a volunteer in the pacivication in civil war. During the second world war he went back to England and worked for the BBC. His biggest hit was Animal Farm which he has finished shortly before his death. Mr. Jones is the owner of the Manor Farm , he is often drunk and very awful to his animals. One night the old boar Major tells the animals about his vision of freedom and Animalism. He shows the animals a way out of their misery. The way to start a revolution first to overthrow the farm and then to beat down the humans all over the land. After the speech old Major teach the animals the song Beast of England and The ...
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