Henrik Ibsen

Referat, Hausaufgabe, Henrik Ibsen
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Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das Dokument handelt von Henrik Johan Ibsen, einem bedeutenden norwegischen Schriftsteller des 19. Jahrhunderts. Es geht hauptsächlich um seine Biografie, seine schwierige Kindheit und seinen Werdegang als Schriftsteller. Der Autor beschreibt auch seine Beziehungen zu Frauen und wie sie als Vorbilder für einige seiner Figuren in seinen Stücken dienten. Es werden einige seiner bekanntesten Werke erwähnt wie „Peer Gynt“, „Ghosts“ und „A Doll's House“. Der Text zeigt auch, wie Ibsens Theaterstücke seiner Zeit voraus waren und oft Kontroversen auslösten. Er beschreibt, wie Ibsen als einer der Begründer des modernen Dramas gilt, und wie seine Techniken und Themen bis heute von anderen Playwrights beeinflusst werden. Trotz seines anfänglichen Misserfolgs hatte Ibsen internationalen Erfolg und finanzielle Stabilität erreicht, bevor er im Jahr 1906 verstarb.
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Henrik Ibsen Life, Work and Criticism By Yvonne Shafer Biography The man who changed the course of modern drama was born in the seaside town of Skien, Norway. He was far from cultural influences, and was raised in an environment unlikely to produce one of the major literary figures of all time. Henrik Johan Ibsen was born on March 20, 1828 to Knud Ibsen, a merchant, and his wife Marichen Cornelia Martine Altenburg Ibsen, the daughter of a shipmaster and merchant. Henrik grew up in considerable comfort until he was six years old. At that time his father went bankrupt, and his family life was totally disrupted; his father became a drunkard, his mother became melancholy and withdrawn, and the Ibsens were no longer a part of respectable society. Interspersed with this unhappy picture of Ibsen´s childhood are some pleasing sketches of a lively, artistically inclined boy interested in magic and very clever at drawing caricatures. An interest in art continued throughout his life, and contemporary critics often note the importance of the visual aspects in his plays. Ibsen left his family at the age of sixteen to become an apprentice to a pharmacist in Grimstad. Six years of loneliness, disappointment, and poverty followed. In this period his difficulties were increased when he fathered an illegitimate son by a servant in the household where he lived. The importance of this scandal and the rumors of his own illegitimacy are reflected in the plays which frequently involve ...
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