Steinbeck, John: Cannery Row

Monterey, California, Mack, Lee Chong, frogs, Referat, Hausaufgabe, Steinbeck, John: Cannery Row
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Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das Dokument beschreibt den Roman „Cannery Row“ von John Steinbeck. Der Autor wird vorgestellt und seine wichtigsten Werke werden erwähnt. Der Roman besteht aus kleinen Geschichten über die Bewohner von Monterey, insbesondere über diejenigen, die in der Sardinenkonservenfabrik arbeiten oder in der Nähe leben. Die Hauptfiguren sind Doc, Lee Chong und eine Gruppe von Männern um Mack. Die Handlung dreht sich um eine Party, die sie für Doc veranstalten, die außer Kontrolle gerät und zu sozialer Ächtung der Gruppe führt.

Themen im Roman sind Alkoholismus, Beziehungen zwischen Individuum und Gesellschaft, Einsamkeit und menschliches Verhalten. Steinbeck beschreibt die Charaktere mit Humor und Liebe, ohne sie zu verurteilen. Die Beschreibung der Frösche als menschenähnliche Wesen in einer Szene soll das Grauen des Zweiten Weltkriegs widerspiegeln, den Steinbeck als Kriegskorrespondent erlebt hat. Der Roman ist auch eine Liebeserklärung an Cannery Row selbst, die als eine Art lebender Organismus dargestellt wird.
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Auszug aus Referat
Cannery Row by john Steinbeck The Autor John Steinbeck is born in 1902 in Salinas, California. He went to university, left six years later without taking a degree. Then he went to New York as a journalist. In this time, 1929, his first novel was published. He married and returned to California and wrote several novels like Of Mice and Men or, The Grapes of Wrath. He became also a filmmaker. In 1945 he published Cannery Row. The last decades of his life he spent in New York and Sag Harbor with his third wife. In 1962 he won the Nobel Price and died in 1968. Structure The novel doesn t tell a great story. It rather cosists of little stories about the people of Monterey, this little town in California where sardines were processed. The place the sardines are put into cans is called Cannery Row. Steinbeck himself lived there long time. The stories are about the gathered and the scattered or, like the first page of the book describes : BOOK PAGE 5 (LINES 7-12). Most of the treated people had been friends of Steinbeck. Therefore this novel is a kind of an autobiographical book. Summary For this summeary i ve picked up only the anecdotes of the main caracters Doc, Lee Chong, and Mack and his boys. Mack and the boys ask Lee Chong to live in a house, he recently became owner, known ever after as the Palace Flophouse. Lee Chong has to agree and Mack and the boys move in. They furnish the house and want to give a party for doc because Doc lets them work for him from time to time if ...
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