A Tribute to Kurt Cobain

suicide, childhood, debut-album, Referat, Hausaufgabe, A Tribute to Kurt Cobain
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Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das Dokument ist eine Hommage an den Musiker Kurt Cobain, der vor drei Jahren Selbstmord begangen hat. Es wird seine Biographie und Karriere als Sänger der Grunge-Band Nirvana beschrieben. Der Autor erzählt von Cobains Kindheit in einer disfunktionalen Familie, seiner Leidenschaft für Musik und seiner Gründung von Nirvana zusammen mit Krist Novoselic und verschiedenen Schlagzeugern. Es wird auch auf die Entstehung der Alben „Bleach“, „Nevermind“ und „In Utero“ eingegangen und wie sie den Erfolg von Nirvana beeinflussten. Cobains Beziehung mit der Musikerin Courtney Love wird ebenfalls erwähnt, ebenso wie seine Drogensucht und seinen Kampf mit Depressionen. Das Dokument schließt mit einer Würdigung von Cobains musikalischem Erbe und dem Einfluss, den er auf die Grunge-Szene und darüber hinaus hatte.
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A Tribut to Kurt Cobain It is three years ago, since the Godfather of Grunge killed himself in his luxury house in Seattle. At that time his suicide dropped many Kids into deepest sadness. But who was Kurt Cobain, the man,who couldn t just enrich a generation with his music, but them, with his Fuck on the world - attitude,in there whole existence and thinking changed? Kurt Cobain was born on the 20th of February 1967 in Aberdeen, a little logger town in Washington state. Already when he was a little boy, Kurt was brought into medical treatment because of his hyperactivety. Already as a child he was pained by a chronical bronchitis. He also had a spinal curvature, with wich he had problems untill his untimely death. In spite of these pains, Kurt was a happy child, something he always tried to emphasize in the interwievs.An essential point in his life was the divorcing of his parents in 1975. Kurt was interested in music pretty early.So for example he listened to groups like The Beatles and later also to Kiss, Aerosmith, Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath. When he was 12 years old, his oncle gave him a guitar. So he started to play the guitar and very soon he wrote his first songs. When he was composing he feltas if doing a job. It was probably the only job he has ever liked in his life. Kurt spent the next summer with prowling and bespattering of houses and cars of the bigwigs. That s how he met Krist, the son of Yugoslavien immigrants. Like Kurt, Krist also came from a ...
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