Dirie, Waris

Somalia, Female genital mutilation, Africa, Referat, Hausaufgabe, Dirie, Waris
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Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das Dokument ist eine Zusammenfassung der Lebensgeschichte von Waris Dirie, die in Somalia in ärmlichen Verhältnissen aufgewachsen ist. Sie musste als Kind hart arbeiten, um zu überleben und ihre Familie hütete Vieh und zog durch die Wüste. Waris wurde zur Beschneidung gezwungen und litt jahrelang unter den Folgen. Sie floh nach London, um ihrer arrangierten Ehe zu entgehen und arbeitete dort als Hausmädchen. Durch Zufall wurde sie entdeckt und begann eine Karriere als Model. Sie musste jedoch immer wieder mit Problemen aufgrund ihrer Herkunft kämpfen. Trotzdem blieb sie in London und versuchte, ihr Leben in die eigene Hand zu nehmen.
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Auszug aus Referat
WARIS DIRIE Desert Flower and Desert Dawn HER LIFE-STORY The desert Waris Dirie (Waris: a Somali name that means desert flower) was born in the middle of the desert in Somalia. She was born into a nomad family of a tribe called Darood, that was considered as wealthy. Nevertheless they lived under extremely poor conditions, their lives depending from their livestock and rain. Her family consisted of her parents, 12 children and there were even other relatives, who travelled with them. Many of her siblings died because of the rough conditions, illnesses and famine. Every helping hand in her family was important in order to provide their chance of survival. They couldn t afford any day-off, because they had to move on to find water for themselves and their camels and goats. Their livestock gave them everything they needed to survive (milk, meat). Every now and then they d sell an animal to buy some rice or for great feasts they slaughtered a goat. There were only a few feasts like the beginning of the rainy season (gnu) or weddings. Birthdays didn t count, because many babies died, so it wasn t worth remembering the exact date of birth if it wasn t granted that the one would survive. Usually the animals are the most precious thing a clan can obtain. When a girl marries, her family gets some camels (Waris fiancé offered 5 camels). Camels are the most appreciated animals, because they can live without water for some weeks, carry the clan s belongings and in addition to that they ...
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