Hinton, S.E.: The Outsiders

Referat, Hausaufgabe, Hinton, S.E.: The Outsiders
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Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das Dokument ist eine Zusammenfassung des Buches „The Outsiders“ von S.E. Hinton. Es werden die Hauptcharaktere Ponyboy Curtis, seine Brüder Soda und Darry sowie seine Freunde Steve, Two-Bit, Johnny und Dallas vorgestellt. Ponyboy wird von den Socs, einer anderen Gang, angegriffen und gerät mit seinen Freunden in Schwierigkeiten, als Johnny einen der Socs tötet. Die Freunde flüchten in eine verlassene Kirche und werden von Dally unterstützt. Es kommt zu einem großen Zusammenstoß zwischen den Socs und den Greasern, bei dem Johnny stirbt und Dally Selbstmord begeht. Die Brüder Pony, Soda und Darry finden trotz ihrer Probleme wieder zusammen. Ponyboy schreibt am Ende des Buches eine Geschichte darüber, wie es ist, als Teenager in einer Gang aufzuwachsen. Die Zusammenfassung bietet gute Charakterisierungen der Figuren, enthält jedoch keine Interpretation oder Analyse des Buches.
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AUTHOR: S.E. Hinton TITLE: The Outsiders MAIN CHARACTERS: Ponyboy (Pony) Curtis is fourteen years old. He has greenish-grey eyes and red hair, which is longer than a lot of boys wear theirs and it´s squared off at the back and long at the front and sides. He growned up with a gang, which is called Greaser. The boys from this gang live on the East Side and the are poor and from the middle class. Pony´s Mum and Dad were killed in a car crash. Ponyboy likes his second-oldest brother Soda more than anybody else. At school Pony gets good grades and he also has a high IQ but he doesn´t use his head. Sodapop (Soda), Ponyboys second- oldest brother, is sixteen-going-on-seventeen years old and very handsome. He is always happy and grinning. Soda likes Ponyboy very much and helps him very often. He wanted to marry his girlfriend Sandy when she and Pony had finished school. He works at a filling station with his best friend. Darrel, his friends call him Darry, is Pony´s oldest brother. At school he was a popular guy and got good grades. But he hadn´t enough money to go to college. He works very hard. Darry yells very often at Pony and treat him like a six-year-old child. Steve Randle is seventeen years old, tall, lean, cocky and smart and has thick greasy hair. He is Soda´s best buddy and he is good with cars. Steve works with Soda at the same filling station and doesn´t like Pony very much. Two-Bit Mathew is eighteen years old and the oldest of the gang. He has grey eyes, a wide grin ...
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