New Zealand - Land of the Kiwi

Referat, Hausaufgabe, New Zealand - Land of the Kiwi
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Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das vorliegende Dokument behandelt vor allem die Geschichte und die heutige Situation Neuseelands. Es wird auf die ersten Siedler, die Maori, und ihre Navigationstechniken eingegangen. Auch die Ankunft der Europäer und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Maori-Stämme sowie der Treaty of Waitangi werden thematisiert. Die Landkonflikte zwischen Maori und Siedlern werden ebenfalls besprochen und auch die heutige Situation der Maori ist ein Thema. Des Weiteren wird die Beschreibung Neuseelands als „God's own country“ erörtert sowie das Thema der Nuklearwaffen im Pazifik behandelt. Insgesamt handelt es sich um eine Zusammenstellung historischer und aktueller Fakten über Neuseeland.
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New Zealand - Land of the Kiwi 1 Introduction Surrounded by the huge Pacific Ocean, New Zealand lies far away from other countries. The nearest country is Australia and that is 1600 km away. The country which is as larg as Germany has a population of only 3 million. It seems unbelievable that early Polynesian explorers, many centuries before the first Europeans came here, found this land at all. These early explorers were the early ancestors of the Maori. 2 A settlers´ land Like Maui, who was in Maori legends a mythical hero who was intelligent, clever, quick and brave, the ancestors of the Maori were skilled navigators. They discovered and settled on many of the Pacific Islands. With their ships like canoes, they could carry a lot of people and plenty of food. They used the stars to find their way across the ocean. They watched the clouds because they knew that clouds close to land look different from the clouds over the sea, and they watched the birds at night as they knew that the birds fly back to land then. Today many people think that a man called Kupe discovered New Zealand by following migrating birds. 2.1 The first settlers The first Polynesian who arrived at New Zealand about 1000 years ago were hunters. They moved from place to place and lived on fish, birds and fruit. Later they settled in villages and grew sweet potatoes and other plants in gardens. As the population became larger and fertile land became important, tribes began to fight over the land. To defend ...
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