Measure for Measure

Referat, Hausaufgabe, Measure for Measure
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Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das Dokument ist eine Zusammenfassung des Stücks „Measure for measure“ von William Shakespeare. Das Stück spielt in Wien und handelt von verschiedenen Charakteren wie dem Herzog von Wien, Vincentio, seinem Cousin Angelo, Mariana (Angelos Verlobte), Escalus, Claudio, Juliet, Isabella, und Lucio. Die Geschichte beginnt damit, dass Vincentio Angelo bittet, seine Position zu übernehmen, während er die Stadt verlässt. Während Vincentio weg ist, ändert Claudio, ein junger Adliger, das Gesetz, das besagt, dass niemand vor der Ehe eine Affäre haben darf. Claudio und Juliet verlieben sich dennoch ineinander und bekommen ein Kind. Angelo erfährt davon und lässt beide ins Gefängnis bringen. Claudio wird zum Tode verurteilt. Isabella, Claudios Schwester, versucht Angelo davon abzubringen, aber er bietet an, Claudio zu retten, wenn Isabella ihm ihre Jungfräulichkeit gibt. Isabella weigert sich und stattdessen schlägt Vincentio einen Plan vor, bei dem Mariana (Angelo's abgelehnte Verlobte) anstelle von Isabella zu Angelo geht. Am Ende wird alles aufgedeckt, Angelo wird gezwungen Mariana zu heiraten, Lucio heiratet die Frau, die er schwängerte, und alle Charaktere erhalten am Ende das verdiente Schicksal.
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Auszug aus Referat
Andrej Tcheutou Measure for measure The action of the play takes place in Vienna. The main characters are the duke of Vienna, Vincentio his cousin Angelo, Mariana fiance of Angelo, Escalus an old lord, Claudio a young lord, Juliet Claudios lover, Isabella Claudios sister and Lucio a fellow traveller. At the beginning of the story Vincentio wants to leave the town for a while. He asks Angelo to take his office for this time. After Vincentio has left the court he goes into a cloister to find out the behavior of the every person in his absence. Claudio has the right to change all laws in his estimation, one of these laws is that no one should have an affair with a woman before he is married with her. Claudio and Juliet fall in love nevertheless and get a child. Angelo gets to know this and lets the two lock up in a prison, Claudio is sentenced to the death. Claudio meets Lucio on the way to the prison, he tells him that he goes to his sister Isabella who is just included into a convent. She shall go to Angelo and keep on at him so he falls off with the law. After that, Lucio goes to Isabella and tells her the situation. Isabella isnt convinced of himself that she can do this. Angelo however wants not to abandon from his law. Angelo tells her that she shall come by midnight to his garden and sleep with him. If she loses her innocence at him, her brother free. Isabella goes to Claudio to the prison and asks him about her behaviour. He says she shall devote herself to him. ...
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